it is getting late 意味

  • もう遅くなった


  1. it is getting late .
  2. it is getting late and all the people goes to bed , then gengobe breaks a round window to sneak into the house; he first kills inosuke and kikuno mistaking for sangoro and koman .


        it's getting late:    it's getting late ぼちぼち
        getting:    《be ~》~になってくる、どんどん~になる I'm getting tired. 疲れてきた。 I'm getting sleepy. 眠くなってきた。 I'm getting hungry. おなかが減ってきた。
        getting on:    《be ~》年を取っていく
        getting on for:     gétting on fór ((略式))ほとんど,ほぼ(nearly).
        getting there:    《be ~》(ある特定{とくてい}の場所{ばしょ}?目標{もくひょう})に向かって着々{ちゃくちゃく}と進んでいる He wasn't fat yet, but he was getting there. 彼はまだ肥満というほどではなかったけれど、確実に近づいていたね。 It's not perfect but we're getting there. まあ、完ぺきとは言えないけど、目標に向か
        as of late:    最近{さいきん}
        in late:    遅刻{ちこく}して
        in late ' s:    _年代後半{ねんだい こうはん}に
        late:     late adj., adv. 遅い, 遅く. 【副詞】 As late as yesterday it was still unsold. きのうになってもまだ売れていなかった These traces remained as late as the Victorian Age. これらの痕跡はヴィクトリア朝時代までも残っていた be deliberat
        late for:    《be ~》~に遅れる、~に遅刻{ちこく}する I'm going to be late for school this morning. 今朝は学校に遅れてしまいそうだ。
        of late:     of láte ((正式))最近,近ごろ(recently) I haven't seen him of ~. 私は最近彼に会っていない Her health seems to have improved considerably of ~. 彼女は最近ずいぶん健康をとりもどしたようだ.
        the late:    the late 亡き なき
        to be late:    to be late 後れる 遅れる おくれる
        attention getting:    {形} :
        attention-getting:    {形} : 人目{ひとめ}を引く、注目{ちゅうもく}される、注意{ちゅうい}を引き付ける He has a chemistry and a presence that I find very attention-getting.


  1. "it is generally reputed to be the best personal computer on the market" 意味
  2. "it is generally understood that…" 意味
  3. "it is geographically so far from…that…" 意味
  4. "it is getting colder by the minute" 意味
  5. "it is getting dark. we'd better camp down for the night" 意味
  6. "it is getting near to christmas" 意味
  7. "it is getting tiring to have to drag my old bones up all these stairs every day" 意味
  8. "it is given as a gift" 意味
  9. "it is going to be a very fine day" 意味
  10. "it is getting colder by the minute" 意味
  11. "it is getting dark. we'd better camp down for the night" 意味
  12. "it is getting near to christmas" 意味
  13. "it is getting tiring to have to drag my old bones up all these stairs every day" 意味

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